Quantity of nutrient require...

Quantity of nutrient requirements

Nitrogen N

Nitrogen is an element of organic matter. It is a structural component of plants such as chlorophyll, amino acids and related protein components. with the plant growth process If there is a lack of nitrogen It will make the tree stunted. The fiber is soft, small and slender. Older lower leaves are pale yellow. Nitrogen sources can be obtained from tension in atmosphere or from the decomposition of organic matter from plant remains dead animal carcasses The role of nitrogen If it is very high, it will cause the plant to have many cell expansions. Make the tree weak against the destruction of disease And in plants that produce crops, there may be problems. In the growth of branches and leaves, there is no accumulation of food for production.

Nutritional deficiency

Change the green color of old leaves to yellow. Brown and dead leaves, slow growth, short trees, slower maturity.

Change the green color of old leaves to yellow. Brown and dead leaves, slow growth, short trees, slower maturity.

It will be dark in color and have new and young leaves. Easy to infest by disease and insects. If dry conditions occur Plants will break and fall easily. There is little production.

Poison from Ammonium

In the case of giving fertilizer in the form of ammonium nitrate (NH4N), ammonium poisoning may occur. Resulting in reducing growth and fruit bottom rot disease

Plots that do not use nitrogen

Characteristics of rice leaves lacking nitrogen

Corn that lacks

Cotton that lacks

About us
Faarun Factory produces and distributes Chemical fertilizers, micronutrients Performance enhancing substa...
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