About us

About us

For more than 20 years, Faarun Company has been born. We are determined to solve the problems of production factors so that Thai farmers can be free from problems. Low quality agricultural products, competition No, labor declines, capital is depleted in production. Environmental problems Currently, Faarun Crop for Thai Co.,Ltd. has expanded its subsidiaries to more than 10 companies


With the determination to create sustainability for farmers, good living and a good environment. Create cooperation to grow to the international level throughout the past 20 years until the present. Fah Arun is committed to developing both products and services to meet the needs of Thai farmers. Importantly, real results must be seen, reducing costs, increasing productivity, and being able to increase Thai farmers' high incomes. Most importantly, it must be safe according to our standards. Fah Arun Group wants to create change for Thai farmers through agricultural innovation. To pass on sustainability to all sectors


Time of growth

Faarun Factory produces and distributes Chemical fertilizers, micronutrients Performance enhancing substances Soil amendments, chemical fertilizers, organics, amino humics, production and import of innovative agricultural products, complete with ISO 14001:2015 standards and ISO 9001:2015 standards, marks guaranteeing production standards.
ฟ้าอรุณได้รับพิจารณาคัดเลือกให้เป็น ผลิตภัณฑ์ดีเด่นแห่งปี 2559 Best Biz & ProductsAwards 2016 โดย สภาเขยือข่ายสถาบันส่งเสริมพัฒนาธุรกิจและเศรษฐกิจแห่งประเทศไทย (สส.ศท.) ณ วันที่ 25 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2559
ฟ้าอรุณได้รับการประเมินจากกระทรวงอุตสาหกรรม ให้เป็นสถานประกอบการที่ผ่านเกณฑ์การประเมินธรรมาภิบาลสิ่งแวดล้อม ประจำปี 2564 ณ วันที่ 30 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2564
Green industry
ฟ้าอรุณได้รับเครื่องหมายมาตรฐาน Green Industry จากกระทรวงอุตสาหกรรม เพื่อรับรองว่าเป็นอุตสาหกรรมสีเขียวระดับที่ 3
ร่างสัญญาSG capital
ร่างสัญญา NAC Drone


Production of raw materials for use as fertilizer ingredients from kaolin and dolomite. U Thong Crop168 Co.,Ltd. operates a production business, providing Chemical fertilizer production

U THONG CROP168 CO.,LTD. founding history

During the year 2022, it is the year that fertilizer sells well. There was a rapid increase in sales. Due to the high price of chemical fertilizers due to supply side problems from the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. And it was a time when China had not yet fully opened the country, causing the production capacity of Fah Arun Pheu Thai Co., Ltd. Not enough for sales, causing Fah Arun to create a subsidiary company, \"U Thong Crop168 Co.,Ltd.\", established on 25 April 2022, with a production capacity. increased to 1,000 tons/day

Research development and agricultural innovation

Thailand Agricultural Production Inputs Innovation Office or FIATH, an organization that develops research and innovation in agriculture. as well as products consumption will be processed from agricultural products Agricultural chemicals given to farmers or interested persons To jointly evolve Thai agriculture towards sustainability.

Muang Thai Agro Co.,Ltd. Business type Mining and quarrying by providing services Mining of minerals used to make chemicals and fertilizers

MUANG THAI AGRO CO.,LTD. founding history

Faarun foresees increased sales and will have to increase production capacity. Keep up with customer needs and reduce shipping costs. Therefore, there must be a factory in Saraburi Province. Muang Thai Agro Co.,Ltd. The area is approximately 24 rai with 3 factories with a production capacity of 2,000 tons/day.

Faarun Mine Co.,Ltd. Business type Mining and quarrying by providing services Mining of minerals used to make chemicals and fertilizers

FAARUN MINE CO.,LTD. founding history

The chemical fertilizer and agricultural chemicals industries are expanding rapidly. This causes raw materials such as marl ore to increase in price and become in short supply. not enough for production So the company thought we would need a mine. own in order to be able to control the source of the river, so it was established \"Faarun Mine Co.,Ltd.\" Up, there was a request for a concession certificate for 91 rai 93 square wa. The mine received the certificate. From June 19, 2023, aged 23 years